Swedish Network for Algebra and Geometry

Swedish Network for Algebra and Geometry

"The purpose of the network is to develop the interaction between mathematicians working in the fields of algebra and geometry at Swedish universities. In particular, we encourage an active participation of PhD students and young researchers with the aim to build future networks and collaborations."

The mathematical scope of the network is algebra and geometry in a broad sense -- including, but not limited to, noncommutative algebras, operator algebras, commutative algebras, nonassociative algebras, and their inter­actions with geometry, such as noncommutative and differential geometry.

Our aim is to organize regular meetings at different universities in Sweden, where both PhD students, post-docs and senior researchers present their current research topics as well as overviews of their fields of research. These meetings are informal in nature, where both discussions as well as presentations of ongoing research are encouraged.


Joakim Arnlind (Linköping University)
Sergei Silvestrov (Mälardalen University)
Johan Öinert (Blekinge Institute of Technology)